I can’t quite believe it, but my recent book publication of Tumorous Hesticles : Just Say Cancer went to number 1 in the Amazon best sellers charts and was the highest climbing ranked book for the whole of Amazon on October 24th 2023.
After blogging, campaigning and public speaking about the emotional and mental battles of cancer treatment I finally got the chance to publish my memoirs.
The book went live to the world at 01:01 UK time with the first editions being bought in Frampton, Dorset followed by a flurry in Australia. When the UK woke up they purchased in their droves.
A day of waiting to see any book sales data and what the Amazon charts would place the book at, I finally had a call about 4pm to say that we had gone in at number 1 best seller for Oncology books. The number one book for cancer. To earn that best seller sticker on Amazon was an aim for me, as once you get it then it remains on your profile forever.

Tumorous Hesticles, which focuses on a testicular cancer patients journey, but can also be read by anyone affected by cancer, was also placed into the Humour Category for Doctors and Nurses. We went straight to number 2. Just behind Dawn French, but above Adam Kay (This Is Going To Hurt). Pure elation.
Then there was one more surprise. After browsing the Best Seller charts for all books I was surprised that my book had reached number 126 in the overall charts. Quite the achievement, especially with the lead up to Christmas and many celebrity books being launched. None other than Britney Spears memoirs released on the same day as mine.
When I noticed a small little icon on the best sellers page that looked like my book cover. I thought maybe it’s just my algorithm and I haven’t deleted my cookies. But no…!
I clicked on the charts for ‘Movers and Shakers’ for the books that have climbed the most rank in 24 hours.
There I was sat at number 1. Out of 100,000+ books I was sitting at numero uno. Bear Grylls was at number 3. I had gone from unranked straight to number 126. Incredible.

It’s lovely to see the book doing so well in the Amazon charts, but I am finding so much joy in the little wins too. The paramedics that have asked for books. The patients that I’ve been told are reading the book already, and so much more.
We are only two days in and a long long way to go, but I’ll never forget that feeling that’s for sure.
Thanks for supporting. For the live reaction of me hitting the charts see the video below.
Af x